
Writing Gathering Field
文 薈 篇
by Derek Lin and Frank Wagle
The Principles of I-Kuan Tao
(part 2)
Commentary on The Principles of the Tao
恪遵四維綱常之古禮 To follow the ancient practice of the Four Ethics, the
Mainstays and the Constant Virtues - To obey and respectfully practice the Four
Ethical Principles, the Three Mainstays of Social Order, and the Five Constant
The Four Ethical Principles - courtesy, righteousness, integrity, a sense of shame
The Three Mainstays of Social Order - between sovereign and minister, parents and
children, husband and wife.
The Five Constant Virtues - benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and
洗心滌慮 To cleanse the mind and purify the spirit - Eliminate harmful/
destructive thoughts. Maintain a happy positive attitude.
借假修真 To utilize the illusory world in cultivating the truth - "Illusory" refers to
the Buddhist idea that the world is just an illusion. By studying the world we
can learn about the Tao.
恢復本性之自然 To restore the nature of the self - To recognize, value, and
respect one’s original Buddha-nature. That is, you are a sentient being with an
infinite potential for understanding, or "enlightenment" if you prefer, and for
doing good.
啟發良知良能之至善 To develop the perfection of conscience - Continually
work to develop one’s innate wisdom with respect to acting in harmony with
the Tao.
己立立人 To establish oneself and help others in establishment - First
secure for yourself a stable position in society and then help those less
fortunate to secure a stable position too.
己達達人 To achieve goals and help others in achievement - Set and reach
one’s own goals and help others do so too.
挽世界為清平 To bring the world into peace - Work to transform the world
into a peaceful, honest, and orderly society.
化人心為良善 To transform hearts into goodness - Enlighten the minds of
people, by your actions and your words, and enable them to return to a natural
state of benevolence.
冀世界為大同 To hope for the world of Great Unity - By pursuing this path,
to bring the world into a state of harmony, equality, fraternity, and justice.
(The end)(全文完)