A project That Makes Me Cry 一項令我感動而泣的工程/多倫多圓光壇 By Maurice MoK


「If God desires to have a temple here, there will be a temple.」

Those words that I heard 10 years ago after I failed to put an addition to an existing temple came back to me after I received the appointment from Master Wong. After studying the Official Plan and Zoning-by- Law of the present site for a couple of nights, I was wondering if God really wanted to have a temple at this location. Chances were slim to build a building to be used as「Place of Worship」but it’s not impossible.

With a heavy heart to meet with Master Wong and Master Chow the following evening with our mechanical and electrical consultant, Mr. Lau, we didn’t know what their reaction would be. To our comfort, we were given lots of encouragement to try to make this project successful. Armed with encouragement and flexibility from the supreme commanders and our 30 years of experience, we commenced to design a temple completely unconventional and contemporary that we thought would be shot down in our next presentation. Surprisingly, our design was accepted with delight and required to have little change to suit the temple’s use. Then bad news struck as expected. Nothing came easy as far as designing a temple at this particular site was concerned. Our site is within the boundary of the First Markham Village which meant the design within this boundary needed to be designed to buildings in that era. Our beloved design vaporized even before the first nail was struck.
翌日黃昏,我帶著沉重的心情與機電顧問劉先生去會見黃點傳師和周點傳師,真擔心不知她們將會有什麼反應。但她們鼓勵我們盡力而為,這對我們來說是莫大的安慰。在天恩師德的加庇下,福至心靈,又憑著三十年的豐富經驗,我們開始設計一座完全反傳統及現代化佛堂的圖則;卻又擔心在下次會面時,我們的策劃將會被全面否決。但出乎意料地,我們新穎的設計竟欣然被接納,而且只要少少的改變更完全適合了佛堂的應用要求。可是,好事多磨,果然傳來了預期的壞消息,使我明白到要在這個特別的場地去設計一座聖殿,是沒有這麼容易的。地盤的位置是座落於First Markham Village的邊界,意味著所有建築物都需要依照維多利亞女王時代的復古設計,所以我們深愛的設計在未施工之前,便即時告吹了。

Redesigned, redeveloped and endless negotiation with the Town, and a lot of help from Anna and endless support from Master Wong, our present design was finally accepted by the planner and rezoning was approved in the Council meeting. After going through the rezoning process I wonder if Master Wong’s feelings towards 「democracy」 were sweet or sour. With God’s blessing we completed our first step of the project – rezoning and site plan approval.

The second stage of the show was the building permit application. This stage was a lot easier to us since more engineering was involved and things were more black and white. Getting the building permit was quite uneventful, other than “Architectural Control” which made us spend more on decorative items to match buildings in the turn of last century.

During the course of the building permit application, a construction budget was prepared and presented to the board members of the temple. The budget was very tight and required to be monitored diligently during construction. The budget was so tight; even a few contractors did not consider it was achievable.

Without knowing the details of the financial situation that the temple was in, I was full of confidence to make this project a successful one. After a big hole was dug in the ground and proceeding with footing and foundation were being constructed, news struck me that we may not be able to finish the project due to financial difficulties. I was totally deflated at that moment. After numerous meeting with trades, contractors and Master Wong, we decided to continue. With the oil price escalating daily, which affects the cost of building materials, I was fighting a losing battle to constrain the building cost.

The holiday season in 2007 was a really memorable one. I spent my holidays in a now shelled building without gas or electricity and watched workers working in the cold (about 10oC) and insufficient light. Yet not too many workers complained except trying to meet my deadline. The "dark" period continued for almost 3 months. With the help of God, finally Power Stream remembered the temple was waiting for their connection. Shortly after, we had gas connection. Finally the interior was finished and exterior work commenced. The whole construction process was completed in June.
2007年的假期是最難忘的。我在一座沒有煤氣、沒有電力供應的空殼房子內度假,並監督工人們在大約攝氏十度的寒冷天氣和黯淡光線的地方裡工作。然而工人都沒有抱怨,並盡心盡力地工作,希望可以按照我規定的期限完成。這「黑暗」的日子持續了將近三個月,蒙 上帝慈悲,電力公司終於猛然記起佛堂正在等著他們來連接電源。不久之后,我們亦有了煤氣的供應。最後內部裝修完竣,外牆工作開始,整個建築工程在6月全部完成。

During construction a few brothers and sisters asked a lot of “ whys” and “should have”. I love to tell them there should be a lot of “could have” but there are a lot “could not afford to” too. Nevertheless the project is complete to“my” satisfaction. I hope Master Wong, brothers and sisters would feel the same. To me a“difficult” baby is born.
在建築期間,一些道中兄弟姐妹問了許多個「為什麼」和「應該」。 我喜歡告訴他們應該有許多「可能」,但是同樣有很多「不可能」。無論如何,我對這工程十分滿意。我希望黃點傳師和道中的兄弟姐妹們也有同感。 對我來說,一個難產的嬰兒已誕生。

In reviewing what I had been through in the past 2 years, if it’s not the strong leadership and support of Master Wong, our beloved brothers and sisters, this project would not have been achievable. A few times during construction, I informed Anna that the project was so difficult that I would not want to continue. Anna looked at me and smiled saying “you would continue”.

To summarize my construction expenses, my book showed we were about 10% over budget. I was relieved in a way that a contingency of 5% to 10% in construction is pretty normal especially with our limited budget. Then Philip sent me the actual payout amount which is very close to our original budget…..my eyes were all wet. Don’t know how we did it. The words come back to me.

「If God desires to have a temple here, there will be a temple.」