
Writing Gathering Field
文 薈 篇
Commentary on The Principles of the Tao
敬天地 To venerate Heaven and Earth - Value and respect both the Heavens
and the Earth. Be a good steward of the planet and its resources.
禮神明 To revere the divine beings - Hold in highest esteem the Tao, the eter-
nal source. Appreciate and honor all of the good role models, Buddhas, sages,
and teachers, who have come before us.
愛國忠事 To be patriotic and responsible - Respect and honor the good things
about your country and its government and to work to change things that could
be done better; fulfill your civic duties.
敦品崇禮 To be virtuous and courteous - Always act in a virtuous and
courteous manner and uphold the Rules of Propriety. Practical guidelines
regarding propriety of Demeanor, Deportment, Speech, Conduct, Example, and
Sexual activity can be found in the Analects of Confucius.
孝父母 To honor the parents - Love, honor, respect, support, and be obedient
to one’s parents to let them live worry-free lives.
重師尊 To value the teachers - Honor and respect one’s teachers and elders for
their efforts to educate you and for the wisdom of their years.
信朋友 To keep faith with friends - Be trustworthy, dependable and honest
by Derek Lin and Frank Wagle
The Principles of I-Kuan Tao
(part 1)
with your friends.
和鄉鄰 To live harmoniously with neighbors - Be a good neighbor. Be
helpful and friendly with those who share your neighborhood.
改惡向善 To discard the bad and seek the good - Rid oneself of bad habits
and pursue good thoughts and deeds.
講明五倫八德 To clarify the Five Relationships and the Eight Virtues -
Expound upon the Five Bonds of Human Relationships and the Eight Cardinal
Five Bonds of Human Relationships - between sovereign and minister, parents
and children, husband and wife, between siblings, and between friends.
Eight Cardinal Virtues - filial piety, brotherly love, loyalty, truthfulness,
courtesy, righteousness, integrity, and a sense of shame.
闡發五教聖人之奧旨 To spread the teachings of the Five Religions-
Recognize as valid all significant spiritual or philosophical traditions that have
the potential to uplift and inspire people to do good.
續下期(To be continued)
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