匡我不逮 真情回憶

True remembrance of an outstanding young man

◎ By Yin, Shun-Long

It was round about July 1978 that I have arrived in Pretoria again. Coming off from our early morning flight, freezing cold weather had awaited us. We had travel from the burning hot North Pole; but the long flight had brought us to this total opposite weather –South Africa. I was caught out with the dramatic temperature changes, nearly not comfortable. After seeing temple owner Mr. Teng’s warm welcome and greetings, I then felt slight warmth inside me, but it still can’t hide the threatening chill. It’s about 50min. drive from airport to temple owner Mr. Teng’s house. On our way to his house, we saw the sky break from dark to light, this had remaindered me of the work schedule that I have in plan this time. It’s just like the first ray of the morning sun; all should be in position, ready for the new day.

Soon we arrive at Mr. Teng’s house, stepping into the front door, Danny’s smile was what I saw first. He was standing there with the hot hand towel, presenting it to me with both hands and said, “Good-morning, Lecturer Yin!” Although this is one of the basic temple etiquette, however, right at that moment there was an indescribable joy that I felt inside my heart. I was deeply touched for three reasons. Firstly, it was a cold freezing winter day, a youngster like Danny would actually willing to wake up so early to do such simple task, it is truly rare and recommendable; Secondly, Danny was truly thoughtfully about our time of arriving, so the hand towel that I was holding in my hand was warm and not hot, he had controlled the water temperature well. Danny’s effort and patience was very clear; Thirdly, what I worry the most in that visit was finding the suitable English translator for the lectures that I was going to give in the next few days. I was pleased to see Danny and I had a good start; it was pleasant to see such charming young man early in the morning. Him and I had briefly went over the lecturing plans inside the house temple, Danny had taken a lot of pressure off my shoulders. If we weren’t in the temple, I would have gave him a big warm hug for his kind assistance.

After finishing our entering prayer at the temple, Danny had pulled me on the side and said,“ Lecture Yin, I have got something to ask you. Could we arrange a time for a cup of coffee?” “Why not! But we would have to put Tao affairs first, right!” I replied. Danny smiled and answered, “Of cause!” Under the grace of God and virtues of holy teachers, that visit was the beginning of a heart to heart friendship between Danny and I.

“ Danny has became so mature,” this is what I have notice of him through out his progress. Danny has become very humble when learning from others; he is very thoughtful and sensitive too, especially about his love life. He is both rational and sentimental at the same time.

In several lectures, in order to achieve perfect translations, Danny would want to preview the lecture content and outlines first. If there were parts that he does not understand, he would bring it up and keep on questioning it until he fully understand. He has an outstanding working attitude of finding out the truth. When presenting the Tao lectures, each lecturer from Taiwan would take turn to present their topic. However, Danny was the only English translator for all of us. He didn’t have time to take a break in between the sessions. But we never hear him complaining he was tired or giving us an impatient face. Danny knows each Tao member’s level in Tao learning. He would provide us wording suggestions to overcome the culture differences, so to create a better learning atmosphere for all. Later when the two weeks lectures had ended, I didn’t feel tired at all. In fact, I felt I have gained a lot of valuable information from Danny.

Few days later, on a freezing but sunny day I was holding a cup of hot coffee in hand enjoying a moment of relaxation at the lakeside. It was a special experience out of the tight schedule that we had. Danny and I were having casual talks, in between our conversations I found that his maturity is actually not in proportion to his age. Danny could actually put things that he wants to do into detail steps, and put them into actions until he reaches his goals. At the same time, he could also analysis the reasons that had caused the success and failure. After our casual talk I had then complimented him on his maturity, he had responded in serious manner that he feels he is too emotional in handling his love life. He had shown his trust and sincerity in his words, which had left a very strong impression for me. In terms of moral nurturing, I was pleased for the South Africa Tao society for having such reliable young man.

When the year 2004 had just started, the time was not even past Chinese New Year. Tao members were all busy with New Year Tao affair planning. We then received the most unbelievable shocking news. It was a heartbreaking one, the message itself was so dead cold but peaceful too. Aren’t accidents always happens when we least expected? It was only when I saw Danny’s frozen body that I was forced to face the reality about his passing. Ever after, whenever I visit Zhong Shu Temple, I would first pay my respect to my deceased father, then walk over to Danny’s tablet. I would always stand there for a long while, thinking back those times that him and I had our shoulder to shoulder working towards realizing the Tao affairs together. I truly appreciate the teaching that Danny had shown me with his life. Danny’s passing had made me felt very sad, I truly realized how small and insignificant life is. After all, in front of God, aren’t we all here on earth to fulfill our holy obligations? There isn’t anything we could do about Danny having to leave at such young age. For me, I have lost a true partner in Tao society. For the Tao society, it may have lost a opportunity for further Tao development. However, we would choose to believe that God has a better plan for Danny and we are just unable to understand that plan at this moment. Even though Danny has passed away for sometimes now, but whenever I think of him, thoughts would still stir up pains in my heart. (Danny’s e-mail:lyk1956@hotmail.com)

About Lecturer Yin, Shun-Long
Yin, Shun-Long is one of the lecturers in I-Kuan Tao Ji Chu Zhong Shu Organization. He has written numerous songs and lyrics for I-Kuan Tao Temples. His songs have been quite popular with I-Kuan Tao believers all over the world. He is affiliated with Tian-Da Temple in Na-Gang, Taipei. Tian-Da Temple has been making efforts propagating Tao in South Africa for many years. Lecturer Yin has also participated in it and thereby had the chance to meet Kai-Hong(Danny ). This passage is written to acknowledge the acquaintance with him.