Health & Vegetarianism(1)





Abstracts: This paper mainly focuses on how vegetarian diet enhances modern people’s health from western nutritional immunology, and eastern Chinese medical theory. Human’s physical characters, nutrients in food, meat problems, and food pyramid are also vital perspectives discussed here. Finally, ethical and environmental issues are concerned at the end of this paper.Key Terms: health, vegetarian, nutritional immunology, Chinese medical theory.







五方 五季 五行 五臟
東 春 木 肝
南 夏 火 心
中 長夏 土 脾
西 秋 金 肺
北 冬 水 腎

Health & Vegetarianism (Part 1 )

(Hereby, I would like to express my gratitude to Betty Ke and Frances Chang, who proofread my article without any reward)      
Yen, Kuo-Ming

Just a few years ago, more than four thousand people suffered from SARS, and it spread to 27 countries just within a few months and caused the deaths of 251 people. Besides this disease, AIDS, bird flu, and mad cow disease have all caused many people to lose their properties and lovely families, and make you and me live under the lethal threats. Although many of these diseases are almost incurable by modern medical science, there is still an effective way to prevent you from these threats, and enhance your health—that is vegetarian diet.

First of all, the best way to prevent people from these disasters is to strengthen the immune system. Although most people have heard, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” However, most people still ignore their health, and try to heal diseases until they have suffered from the illness; this is just like when modern medical science only tends to solve problems from “the results.” For instance, when a person gets prostate cancer, a doctor may just cut his prostate; and if a person gets sick, the doctor may just proscribe some antibiotics. However, in Nutritional Immunology, Dr. Chen from the Brigham Young University states that most medicines just reduce the syndrome of the sickness, and they weaken the immune system at the same time.

Actually, people’s immune systems are just the best doctors for themselves. 90% of the chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, flu…etc, are related to immune system disorders. While antibiotics is totally ineffective against viruses and only destroys some bacteria, such as lung infection and urinary tract infection, antibodies destroy 100% of bacteria and virus. Therefore, the best way to keep ourselves health is to strengthen our immune systems by developing a positive attitude, getting enough sleep, doing moderate exercise, and taking up balanced nutrition.

The balanced nutrition should come from healthy, uncooked, various, and wholesome plants. Cooking may destroy 95% anti-cancer ingredients, and 90% immune system enhancers. Besides, if cooking is hotter than 55 degree centigrade (some papers say 400C), 100% enzyme and a high percentage of vitamin will be destroyed. Also, it is important to eat wholesome food. For example, the rice that we usually eat everyday is usually refined, and it contains starch only. Brown rice maybe more grainy, but it contains much vitamin, mineral, and fiber in the skin of rice. Therefore, the skin and the seeds of plants are usually nutritious, and only wholesome plants may provide balanced nutrition.

Unlike modern medical theory, Chinese Medicine solves problems from the root, and improves the patient’s immune system. In above case, a Chinese Medicine doctor may advise the patient to change his diet habits, reduce stress and workload, and prescribe some Chinese herbs to nourish his internal organs. If the patient keeps on eating food containing high saturated fat, he will not only suffer from prostate cancer, but will also be at high risk of stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Chinese medical theory has a philosophy behind it. The mentality is that not only food, but also the universe, morality, and emotions may affect our health. From Chart I, it shows the relationship between individuals and the Universe from the connection between five directions, four seasons, five elements, and five internal organs. For example, long summer is the months between summer and fall, and it is damper and easier for foods to become rotten, so people should be aware of their stomachs in this season. In fall, the weather changes, and many people may catch a cold, so they should be aware of their breathing systems. Besides, fire is red, so eat more red food is good for your heart, and trees are green, so eating green food is good for your liver.

Five directions Five seasons Five elements Five internal organs
The East spring wood liver
The South summer fire heart
The Middle long summer earth stomach
The West fall metal lung
The North winter water kidney

Chart I: The relationship between individuals and the Universe