Reflection of the Summer Camp in Toronto (多倫多夏令營後感)


A summer camp was held in the summer of 2001 to promote the principles of Tao, and to make our "inner self" or soul, healthier, as well as our outside "shell", which is our body. There were four instructing peers that assisted us during the whole camp, and they included, Linda, Scott, Peter, and Jocelyn. They organized numerous fun and exhilarating activities for us, including a popular TV Show in Taiwan, enacting that show out, as well as some dancing fitness in the morning to refresh ourselves.

Aside from these instructing peers, there were also lecturers, as well as Pastor Wong, who makes frequent visits to Toronto, watchful of the progress of the Tao here in Toronto. This 3 day, 2 night camp featured a mixture of fun activities, as well as periods where we listen to the lecturers and Pastor Wong for good and useful Tao advises. For the most part, we listened with care to attempt to improve our 'soul', but in a few occasions, some of us lacked the concentration due to the lack of sleep. The official sleeping times were approximately 11:30 till around 6:30, which is sufficient enough for some. Others who weren't use to this short sleeping time were a bit tired when listening to Tao advises. Some young people even managed to sleep at a later time, which resulted in more fatigue for them.

There were new faces in this summer camp, as I saw new Tao friends that I haven't seen before. I was glad to make new friends and see the expansion of our great Tao belief. During the last day, we went to Bluffer's Park, down by Lake Ontario for Barbecuing. We sang songs and danced prior to the barbecue, and when eating time came, the delicious vegetarian ingredients were barbecued to perfection. My group was fortunate to be the first group to begin barbecuing as we worked efficiently and managed to set everything up faster than the other groups, being able to enjoy the appetizing food earlier than them.

Credits should be given everywhere, as it was the hardwork of everybody that resulted in the success of this camp. To begin with, all the Tao friends who came to this summer camp should be commended, as without them, there would be no point of holding this event. However the largest credit should be given to all the people that came from Taiwan, as they sacrificed their time, money, and other personal things just to come here and increase our Tao knowledge and let us have a good time. The four instructing peers worked hard along with Daniel to make sure everything works smoothly, while the humour supplied by Lecturer Chan was much appreciated by all. The wisdom and intelligent insight from Pastor Wong was also cherished to upgrade ourselves and bring us closer to 'the road home'. The delicious food prepared by the fabulous Chefs was enjoyed by all, and we all thank you for your hard work.

All in all, I had a great time in this summer camp, as I gained some valuable knowledge and met new friends to share my Tao knowledge with. I will attempt to bring my friends into this wonderful belief, despite language barriers. I truly hope that everybody who came this year can return for next year and we can discover new Tao knowledge, and have a great time again.